History leaflet (Marufukuro hotel)

歴史リーフレット (丸福樓 ホテル)

Release: 2022

Manufacturer: Marufukuro

Nintendo’s journey began in 1889 in this very neighborhood of Kagiyacho, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto.

The company started out as a small local Hanafuda playing cards production business with the founder Fusajiro Yamauchi at the helm.

The company was passed on to Fusajiro’s son Sekiryo Yamauchi in 1929,
before the founder’s grandson Hiroshi Yamauchi took the helm in 1950 and went on to transform Nintendo into a global video-game pioneer in the early 1980s – only few years shy of the company’s 100th corporate anniversary.

Nintendo’s three-generation-long journey to reach where it is today wasn’t easy – it came with many challenging moments. Especially for Hiroshi.

The path he chose was a long and lonely battle for the company to survive and thrive in a world of utter uncertainty: the world of business.

However, Hiroshi pushed forward. Learning that the novelty and excitement of entertainment products were inevitably destined to fade among consumers, he concluded that Nintendo must consistently create new, different, and fun products that the world had never seen before.

He became adamant about thinking outside the box, urging his team to trust their creative instincts and playful minds.

He never settled for building on existing ideas to develop something better- he always aimed to create something new and different.

The result is history. Hiroshi, however, always remained humble throughout his career. He never forgot to be grateful for luck, which he believed was responsible for all that Nintendo achieved.

Marufukuro hotel leaflet